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Phil Bouchard from St-Jerôme wrote on 2008-06-16 at Jun:07:07 Mon

I know a lot about tube amps (but not as much as Rick!) and I can tell you that Rick really has a very open minded approach to his work. He tells it like it is and is very balanced in his opinions as to what are tube amp myths or actual facts!

You can't go wrong with Rick. He's a tube electronics wizard. If you want your rig to perform and sound at it's best potential, see Rick, immediately.
TERRY CATTIAUX from CHAMBLY CANADA wrote on 2005-09-09 at Sep:54:43 Fri

Rick I happen to know one of your major clients ( nick). He`s always had nothing but good things to say about you.
Keep up the good work.
Daniel Gadoury from Lachine wrote on 2004-12-26 at Dec:41:41 Sun

Hi Rick no pressure but still waiting for one of your brilliant ideas for my super twin reberb! anyway Happy holidays.
e-mail: dgadoury@NOSPAMsympatico.ca
George from Montreal wrote on 2004-12-07 at Dec:27:23 Tue

Hey Rick,
Thanks to Ricks site and help I found the perfect Clyde McCoy VOX.
With Ricks help and his pictures that he had taken of those OLD VOX's we where able to use that as a reference and find a great working VOX from eBay. And of course Rick did a full bypass mod on the VOX!!!!!
Rick You Rule :)
Homepage: http://www.pagakis.ca
John from Montreal wrote on 2004-11-30 at Nov:20:31 Tue

Hey Rick
Cool site!
The mods that you recently did on my amp
are amazing, alot more control and variation, I love it!!!
Thanks again.
e-mail: jj@jimihendrixtribute.NOSPAMca
George from Montreal, PQ Canada wrote on 2004-11-08 at Nov:07:13 Mon

Hi there everyone,

I know of Rick for a long time and had a few mods done over the years. I must say a couple of things about Rick. His mods are truly spectacular. Recently he did an update on my fender twin that he had previously modified and man I can only say one thing. Its mind blowing.

You think boogie's Marshalls or any brand name amp sounds good ?? well have an amp modified by Rick and you will never want to touch another amp again. His mods give the tone and sustain you need along with bite and balls that most amp companies would only dream of achieving.

Rick keep up the great work and your site looks great.

George P

Homepage: http://www.pagakisphoto.com
Roger Roy from St Baslie, pq Canada wrote on 2004-10-15 at Oct:00:37 Fri

You're in good hands with Rick.
This man really knows his stuff, more than most
so called "experts" out there.

keep up the good work Rick,
Rock on!

e-mail: flashh@videotron.NOSPAMca
Richard Khan from Singapore wrote on 2004-09-16 at Sep:57:36 Thu

Hi old friend at last u've a website now guitar players worldwide can be enlightened.

Nice work I'm spreading the word here in the Far East so u'll be getting a lot
of attention,

peace Richard

e-mail: khandrum@yahoo.com.NOSPAMsg
LORRIE GOODMAN from MONTREAL, CANADA wrote on 2004-09-15 at Sep:55:04 Wed



e-mail: goodmanlawrence@NOSPAMvideotron.ca
Tom Adsit from Texas U.S.A. wrote on 2003-11-23 at Nov:40:52 Sun

I was Lucky enough to come across Richard's gift of being an amp meister as
well as being an accomplished guitarist . He knows how an amp should work and
proves it in his craftsmenship .

He modified 2 Marshalls & a Fender Twin 15
years ago and they still kick ass . Far more superior than anything on the market.

Ya gotta check him out .....

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