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Fender Bluesman Mod

  • 2 Channels - Clean & Drive (foot-switchable)
  • Lead Boost (foot-switchable)
  • Reverb & Tremolo in both channels
  • Original Vibrato channel remains unchanged
  • No holes drilled in chassis - no pots changed or removed

The Bluesman Mod

Convert a stock Silverface or Blackface model of Fender Amp (Twin, Deluxe, Super, Vibolux etc .... see chart below) into a 2 channel foot-switchable amp including a foot-switchable boost for lead solos

Clean Channel

The existing Vibrato /Reverb channel is the basis of the clean channel and will reflect the original sound and character of of each amp No compromise what- so-ever is made with the original tone and gain of your amplifier. It remains as it is, no changes are made either to the preamp, the power amp, the reverb , or the tremolo circuits.

Drive Channel

I modify the Normal channel of your stock Fender amp into a Drive channel with separate EQ, gain and Master volume controls. This is an extremely versatile sound designed for the Blues player. It ranges from clean with a slight edge to a good rock n roll tone at higher settings. Top end bite is very impressive at all settings.

Lead Boost

Big fat gain boost with a bit more volume just right for solos. No longer need a Tube Screamer. Foot-switchable, of course

What is changed:

I remove one or both input jacks from the Vibrato channel and replace them with a gain control pot and possibly a midrange control depending on the model of your amp. I use the extension speaker jack as foot-switch jack and replace the existing part with a stereo model.

That is all! No holes are drilled in the chassis, no original controls are changed on the amp, only two are added. Furthermore, any original components that were removed in this modification will be returned to you after completion if you so desire.


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